A Compilation of Exercises


from Seth


and Jane Roberts





Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................II

FROM SETH SPEAKS .........................................................................................1

CHANGING THE PAST IN YOUR MIND ......................................................................................................... 1

EXPERIENCING THE PRESENT MOMENT ...................................................................................................... 4

EXPERIENCING THE SOUL ........................................................................................................................... 5

FINDING COORDINATE POINTS .................................................................................................................... 7

FOLLOWING THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF .............................................................. 8

PAINTING YOUR MENTAL LANDSCAPE....................................................................................................... 9

SEEING THROUGH CAMOUFLAGE SETTINGS ............................................................................................. 10

FROM THE EARLY SESSIONS, BOOK 1 .........................................................12

ASTRAL PROJECTION, TECHNIQUE 1......................................................................................................... 12

ASTRAL PROJECTION, TECHNIQUE 2......................................................................................................... 13

ASTRAL PROJECTION, TECHNIQUE 3......................................................................................................... 15

CONSCIOUSNESS BLENDING DURING PROJECTIONS ................................................................................. 16

DISCOVERING YOUR OWN ANSWERS AND SPIRITUAL HEALING................................................................ 18

EXPANDING TISSUE CAPSULE AND UNIVERSE .......................................................................................... 19

EXPERIENCING AN IDEA INTUITIVELY ....................................................................................................... 20

FINDING THE CENTER OF YOURSELF ......................................................................................................... 21

FLEXIBILITY ENHANCEMENT VISUALIZATION ........................................................................................... 23

FOLLOW IRRITATING SOUNDS .................................................................................................................. 24

HANDLING PENT UP PROBLEMS................................................................................................................. 26

PROJECT UNIVERSAL VITALITY INTO THE SICK ........................................................................................ 28

PROJECTION IN TIME ................................................................................................................................. 29

REPLACING NEGATIVE IMAGES WITH CONSTRUCTIVE ONES .................................................................... 30

REPROGRAM YOUR SELF ESTEEM.............................................................................................................. 32

SUBTLE ASPECTS OF INSIGNIFICANT ACTION ........................................................................................... 33

SUGGESTIONS FOR FACILITATING OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES ................................................................. 34

SUSPEND CRITICAL JUDGMENT ................................................................................................................ 35


FOLLOWING NON-RECOGNIZED NEUROLOGICAL SEQUENCES.................................................................... 36

IDENTIFYING PAST OR FUTURE MEMORIES ................................................................................................ 38

SENSING YOUR GREATER BEING .............................................................................................................. 39

SWITCHING INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL REALITIES .................................................................................... 41

FROM THE NATURE OF PERSONAL REALITY ..............................................43

ALTERING A BELIEF BY SUBSTITUTING ITS OPPOSITE ................................................................................ 43

BROADCASTING YOUR ALTERED POSITION ............................................................................................... 44

CELLULAR MEMORY PLAYBACK ............................................................................................................... 46

CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS ABOUT YOURSELF ............................................................................................... 47

CHANGING OLD BELIEFS AND ACCEPTING NEW ONES................................................................................ 49

CONCENTRATE ON YOUR DESIRE .............................................................................................................. 51

DISCOVER YOUR CONSCIOUS BELIEFS PART 1 ........................................................................................... 53

DISCOVER YOUR CONSCIOUS BELIEFS PART 2 ........................................................................................... 55

DISCOVERING YOUR POINT OF POWER ..................................................................................................... 57

FINDING YOUR 'FEELING-TONE'................................................................................................................. 59

IMAGINE WHERE YOUR BREATH GOES WHEN IT LEAVES YOUR BODY ........................................................ 62

IMAGINE YOURSELF AS A PORTION OF AN INVISIBLE UNIVERSE ................................................................ 64

................................................................ 64



MAKING PROMINENT YOUR LATENT ABILITIES ......................................................................................... 66

NATURAL HYPNOSIS ................................................................................................................................ 67

REARRANGE YOUR BELIEFS AS YOU WOULD FURNITURE .......................................................................... 69

REJUVENATION OF YOUR BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT.................................................................................... 72

FROM THE NATURE OF THE PSYCHE ...........................................................74

AWAKE WHILE SLEEPING AND SLEEPING WHILE AWAKE ........................................................................... 74

BECOMING FAMILIAR WITH DREAM CONSCIOUSNESS................................................................................ 75

CONSTRUCT AND INTERPRET A DREAM USING FREE ASSOCIATION............................................................ 76

ENLARGING YOUR DREAM PERSPECTIVE................................................................................................... 77

EXERCISING YOUR ASTRAL PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................. 78

EXPERIENCING CELLULAR PERCEPTION .................................................................................................... 79

FEELING YOUR INNER EXISTENCE APART FROM GENDER .......................................................................... 81

FEELING YOUR INNER EXISTENCE APART FROM SPACE ............................................................................. 82

FEELING YOUR INNER EXISTENCE APART FROM TIME ............................................................................... 84

OBSERVE EMOTIONAL AND ASSOCIATIVE PROCESSES ............................................................................... 85

SENSING THE MOTION OF THE PSYCHE ...................................................................................................... 87

FROM THE UNKNOWN REALITY VOLUME 1..................................................88

DISCOVER OTHER PROBABLE PATHS FOR YOUR LIFE................................................................................. 88

EXAMINE HOW PROBABLE EVENTS CREATE MANKINDS EXPERIENCE....................................................... 89

FOCUSING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS IN OTHER DIRECTIONS ......................................................................... 90

GLIMPSING PROBABLE VARIATIONS OF PAST EVENTS ............................................................................... 91

IMAGINE TIME LIKE SPACE ........................................................................................................................ 92

SEEING TIME AS AN OBJECT ...................................................................................................................... 94

SENSING OTHER PROBABILITIES FROM A PHOTOGRAPH OF YOURSELF ...................................................... 96

FROM THE UNKNOWN REALITY VOLUME 2..................................................97

BREAK AUTOMATIC LANGUAGE PATTERNING........................................................................................... 97

EXPAND THE REACHES OF YOUR CONSCIOUS AWARENESS ........................................................................ 98

EXPANDING DREAM SPACE ..................................................................................................................... 100

EXPANDING DREAM TIME ....................................................................................................................... 102

EXPERIENCING FULL FOCUS IN PHYSICAL REALITY ................................................................................. 103

RECORD YOUR THOUGHTS OF PROBABLE ACTIONS FOR A DAY ............................................................... 106

STEP OUT OF YOUR OWN WORLD VIEW ................................................................................................... 108

STRAYING OFF YOUR FINEST FOCUS........................................................................................................ 110

FROM THE WAY TOWARDS HEALTH ...........................................................112

FLOATING AWAY YOUR WORRIES ........................................................................................................... 112

HEALTH GAMES FOR CHILDREN ............................................................................................................. 113

MAGICALLY NEUTRALIZING CANCER CELLS ........................................................................................... 115

MENTALLY CLEANING OUT YOUR BODY ................................................................................................. 117

RELIEVING ANGER OR OTHER PENT UP EMOTION .................................................................................... 118

SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF THE INNER MIND .................................................................................. 120





From Seth Speaks


Changing the Past in Your Mind


One event can be actualized by more than one probable self, however, and you will resemble some probable selves more than others. Because you are involved in an intricate psychological gestalt such as this, and because the connections mentioned earlier do exist, you can avail yourself to some extent of abilities and knowledge possessed by these other probable portions of your personality.


The connections make for quite constant 'bleed-throughs.' Once you are aware of the probable system, however, you will also learn to become alert to what I will here call 'benign intrusive impulses.' Such impulses would seem to be disconnected from your own current interests or activities; intrusive in that they come quickly into consciousness, with a sense of strangeness as if they are not your own. These can often offer clues of various kinds. You may know absolutely nothing about music, for example, and one afternoon while in the middle of some mundane activity be struck by a sudden impulse to buy a violin.


Such an impulse could be an indication that another probable portion of your identity is gifted with that instrument. I am not telling you to run off and buy one, but you could however act on the impulse as far as is reasonably possible - renting a violin, simply acquainting yourself with violin concerto, etc.


You would learn the instrument far quicker, you see, if the impulse was originating with a probable self It goes without saying then that probable selves exist in your 'future' as well as your past. It is very poor policy to dwell negatively on unpleasant aspects of the past that you know, because some portions of the probable self may still be involved in that past. The concentration can allow greater bleed-through and adverse identification, because that part will be one background that you have in common with any probable selves who sprang from that particular source.


To dwell upon the possibility of illness or disaster is equally poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities that need not occur. You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it, for time is no more something divorced from you than probabilities are.


The past existed in multitudinous ways. You only experienced one probable past. By changing this past in your mind, now, in your present, you can change not only its nature but its effect, and not only upon yourself but upon others.


Pretend a particular event happened that greatly disturbed you. In your mind imagine it not simply wiped out, but replaced by another event of more beneficial nature. Now this must be done with great vividness and emotional validity, and many times. It is not a self-deception. The event that you choose will automatically be a probable event, which did in fact happen, though it is not the event you chose to perceive in your given probable past.





Telepathically, if the process is done correctly, your idea will also affect any people who were connected with the original event, though they can choose to reject as well as accept your version.


This is not a book on techniques, so I will not go into this particular method deeply, but merely mention it here. Remember, however, that in a most legitimate way many events that are not physically perceived or experienced are as valid as those that are, and are as real within your own invisible psychological environment.


There are in your terms, then, unlimited probable future events for which you are now setting groundworks. The nature of the thoughts and feelings you originate and those that you habitually or characteristically receive set a pattern, so you will choose from those probable futures those events that will physically become your experience.


Because there are bleed-throughs and interconnections, it is possible for you to tune into a 'future event,' say of an unfortunate nature, an event for which you are headed if you continue on your present course. A dream about it, for instance, may so frighten you that you avoid the event and do not experience it. If so, such a dream is a message from a probable self who did experience the event.


So can a child then in a dream receive such communications from a probable future self, of such a nature that its life is completely changed. The entire identity is being now. All divisions are merely illusions, so one probable self can hold out a helping hand to another, and through these inner communications the various probable selves in your terms begin to understand the nature of their identity.


Seth adds more about this exercise in 'The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events'

Now: In certain terms the past, present, and future [of your present life] are all compressed in any given moment of your experience.


Any such moment is therefore a gateway into all of your existence. The events that you recognize as happening now are simply specific and objective, but the most minute element in any given moments experience is also symbolic of other events and other times. Each moment is then like  a mosaic, only in your current life history you follow but one color or pattern, and ignore the others. As I have mentioned [in other books], you can indeed change the present to some extent by purposefully altering a memory event. That kind of synthesis can be used in many instances with many people.


Such an exercise is not some theoretical, esoteric, impractical method, but a very precise,  volatile, and dynamic way of helping the present self by calming the fears of a past self. That past self is not hypothetical, either, but still exists, capable of being reached and of changing its reactions. You do not need a time machine to alter the past or the future.





Such a technique is highly valuable. Not only are memories not 'dead,' they are themselves ever- changing. Many alter themselves almost completely without your notice. In his (unpublished) apprentice novels, Ruburt (Jane) did two or three versions of an episode with a priest he had known in his youth. Each version at the time he wrote it represented his honest memory of the event. The bare facts were more or less the same, entire meaning and interpretation of each version differed so drastically that those differences far outweighed the similarities.

Because the episode was used on two or three different occasions, Ruburt could see how this memory changed. In most cases, however, people are not aware that memory changes in such a fashion, or that the events they think they recall are so different.


The point is that past events grow. They are not finished. With that in mind, you can see that future lives are very difficult to explain from within your framework. A completed life in your terms is no more completed or done than any event. There is simply a cutoff point in your focus from your framework, but it is as artificial as, basically, perspective is applied to painting.

It is not that the inner self is not aware of all of this, but that it has already chosen a framework, or a given frame of existence, that emphasizes certain kinds of experience over others.


Session 806, p.59

Session 566, Page 232





Experiencing the Present Moment


Only by looking quietly within the self that you know can your own reality be experienced, with those connections that exist between the present or immediate self and the inner identity that is multidimensional.


There must be a willingness, an acquiescence, a desire. If you do not take the time to examine your own subjective states, then you cannot complain if so many answers seem to elude you.  You cannot throw the burden of proof upon another, or expect a man or teacher to prove to you the validity of your own existence. Such a procedure is bound to lead you into one subjective trap after another.


As you sit reading this book, the doorways within are open. You have only to experience the moment as you know it as fully as possible - as it exists physically within the room, or outside in the streets of the city in which you live. Imagine the experience present in one moment of time over the globe, then try to appreciate the subjective experience of your own that exists in the moment and yet escapes it - and this multiplied by each living individual.


This exercise alone will open your perceptions, increase your awareness and automatically expand your appreciation of your own nature.


The 'you' who is capable of such expansion must be a far more creative and multidimensional personality than you earlier imagined. Many of the suggested small exercises given earlier in the book will also help you become acquainted with your own reality, will give you direct experience with the nature of your own soul or entity, and will put you in contact with those portions of your being from which your own vitality springs. You may or may not have your own encounters with past reincarnational selves or probable selves. You may or may not catch yourselves in the act of changing levels of consciousness. Certainly most of my readers, however, will have success with some of the suggested exercises. They are not difficult, and they are within the capabilities of all. Each reader, however, should in one way or another sense his own vitality in a way quite new to him, and find avenues of expansion opening within himself of which he was earlier unaware. The very nature of this book, the method of its creation and delivery, in themselves should clearly  point out the fact that human personality has far more abilities than those usually ascribed to it.


Session 591, Page 365





Experiencing the Soul


You can find out what the soul is now, therefore. It is not something waiting for you at your death, nor is it something you must save or redeem, and it is also something that you cannot lose. The term, 'to lose or save your soul', has been grossly misinterpreted and distorted, for it is the part of you that is indeed indestructible. We will go into this particular matter in a portion of the book dealing with religion and the god concept.


Your own personality as you know it, that portion of you that you consider most precious, most uniquely you, will also never be destroyed or lost. It is a portion of the soul. It will not be gobbled by the soul, nor erased by it, nor subjugated by it; nor on the other hand can it ever be separated. It is, nevertheless, only one aspect of your soul. Your individuality, in whatever way you want to think of it, continues to exist in your terms.


It continues to grow and develop, but its growth and development is highly dependent upon its realization that while it is distinct and individual, it is also but one manifestation of the soul. To the extent that it realizes this, it learns to unfold in creativity, and to use those abilities that lie inherent within it.


Now unfortunately, it would be much easier simply to tell you that your individuality continues to exist, and let it go at that. While this would make a fairly reasonable parable, it has been told in that particular way before, and there are dangers in the very simplicity of the tale. The truth is that the personality you are now and the personality that you have been and will be - in the terms in which you understand time - all of these personalities are manifestations of the soul, of your soul.


Your soul therefore - the soul that you are - the soul that you are part of - that soul is a far more creative and miraculous phenomenon than you previously supposed. And when this is not clearly understood, and when the concept is watered down for simplicity's sake, as mentioned earlier, then the intense vitality of the soul can never be understood. Your soul, therefore, possesses the wisdom, information, and knowledge that is part of the experience of all these other personalities; and you have within yourselves access to this information, but only if you realize the true naturof your reality. Let me emphasize again that these personalities exist independently within and are a part of the soul, and each of them are free to create and develop.


There is however an inner communication, and the knowledge of one is available to any - not after physical death, but now in your present moment. Now the soul itself, as mentioned earlier, is not static. It grows and develops even through the experience of those personalities that  compose it, and it is, to put it as simply as possible, more than the sum of its parts.


Now, there are no closed systems in reality. In your physical system the nature of your perceptions limits your idea of reality to some extent, because you purposely decide to focus within a given 'locale.' But basically speaking, consciousness can never be a closed system, and all barriers of such a nature are illusion. Therefore the soul itself is not a closed system. When you consider the soul, however, you usually think of it in such a light - unchanging, a psychic or





spiritual citadel. But citadels not only keep out invaders, they also prevent expansion and development.


There are many matters here very difficult to express in words, for you are so afraid for your sense of identity that you resist the idea that the soul, for example, is an open spiritual system, a powerhouse of creativity that shoots out in all directions - and yet this is indeed the case.


I tell you this, and at the same time remind you that your present personality is never lost. Now another word for the soul is entity. You see it is not a simple matter of giving you a definition of a soul or entity, for even to have a glimpse in logical terms you would have to understand it in spiritual, psychic, and electromagnetic terms, and understand the basic nature of consciousness and action as well. But you can intuitively discover the nature of the soul or entity, and in many ways intuitive knowledge is superior to any other kind.


One prerequisite for such an intuitive understanding of the soul is the desire to achieve it. If the desire is strong enough, then you will be automatically led to experiences that will result in vivid, unmistakable subjective knowledge. There are methods that will enable you to do this, and I will give you some toward the end of this book. For now, here is one quite effective but simple exercise.


Close your eyes and after having read this chapter to this point, and try to sense within yourself the source of power from which your own breathing and life forces come. Some of you will do this successfully at your first try. Others may take longer. When you feel within yourself this source, then try to sense this power flow outward through your entire physical being, through the  fingertips and toes, through the pores of your body, all directions, with yourself as center. Imagine the rays undiminished, reaching then through the foliage, and clouds above, through the center of the earth below, extending even to the farthest reaches of the universe.


Now I do not mean for this to be merely a symbolic exercise, for though it may begin with imagination, it is based upon fact, and emanations from your consciousness and the creativity of your soul do indeed reach outward in that manner. The exercise will give you some idea of the true nature, creativity and vitality of the soul from which you can draw your own energy and of which you are an individual and unique portion.


Session 527, Page 77





Finding coordinate points


In Atlantis there were those who utilized this knowledge, accelerating certain thoughts through concentration, emphasizing certain feelings so as to send them through these coordination points. Great stability was therefore achieved as far as roads, buildings, and the like were concerned. Such projects were carried out with great consideration for their position between various coordination points.


This pocketing-of-space effect can be perceived in certain trance states. This can be compared almost to a wadding-up of air.


Now sit quietly with your eyes closed and try to ascertain the directional proximity of main or subordinate coordination points.

Here are some aids to help you.


With the intent in mind, you will find your inner vision inclining toward a particular direction of the room, and even your thoughts will seem to follow in the same direction. An imaginary line will help you properly identify the place, in any given location, closest to any given coordination point. Imagine a line drawn from the point of your inner vision, coming from the inner eye you seem to be using, outward. Let it be joined by an imaginary line from the top of your skull, following the same direction in which your thoughts seem to flow.


You have an imaginary line, then, in this case, from here, and here. There is an angle, and then both lines form together. They will point unerringly to the direction closest to a coordination point.


Session 593, Page 380





Following Thoughts and Emotions Outside of Yourself


What happens to a thought when it leaves your conscious mind? It does not simply disappear. You can learn to follow it, but you are usually frightened of turning your attention away from its intense focus in three-dimensional existence. Therefore, it seems that the thought disappears. It seems also that your subjectivity has a mysterious unknown quality about it, and that even your mental life has a sort of insidious dropping-off point, a subjective cliff over which thoughts and memories fall, to disappear into nothingness. Therefore to protect yourself, to protect your subjectivity from drifting, you erect various psychological barriers at what you suppose to be the danger points. Instead, you see, you can follow these thoughts and emotions simply by realizing that your own reality continues in another direction, beside the one with which you mainly identify. For these thoughts and emotions that have left your conscious mind will lead you into other environments.


These subjective openings through which thoughts seem to disappear are in fact like psychic warps, connecting the self that you know with other universes of experience - realities where symbols come to life and thoughts are not denied their potential.


There is communication between these other realities and your own in your dream states, and a constant interaction between both systems. If there is any point where your own consciousness seems to elude you or escape you, or if there is any point where your consciousness seems to end, then these are the points where you have yourselves set up psychological and psychic barriers, and these are precisely those areas that you should explore. Otherwise you feel as if your consciousness is enclosed within your skull, immobile and constricted, and every lost thought or forgotten memory at least symbolically seems like a small death. And such is not the case.


Session 520, Page 42-43





Painting Your Mental Landscape


With greater practice, the contents of your own mind will become as readily available. You will see your thoughts as clearly as your inner organs. In this case you may perceive them symbolically through symbols you will recognize, seeing jumbled thoughts for example as weeds, which you can then simply discard.


You can request that the thought content of your mind be translated into an intense image, symbolically representing individual thoughts and the overall mental landscape, then take out what you do not like and replace it with more positive images. This does not mean that this inner landscape must always be completely sunny, but it does mean that it should be well balanced.


A dark and largely brooding inner landscape should alert you, so that you begin immediately to change it. None of these accomplishments are beyond my readers, though anyone may find any one given feat more difficult than another. You must also realize that I am speaking in practical terms. You can correct a physical condition for example, in the manner just given. If so, however, by examining the inner landscape of thoughts, you would find the source here that initially brought about the physical ailment.


Feelings can be examined in the same way. They will appear differently, with much greater mobility. Thoughts, for example, may appear as stationary structures, as flowers or trees, houses or landscapes. Feelings will appear more often in the changing mobility of water, wind, weather, skies and changing color. Any physical ailment, then, can be perceived in this state by looking inward into the body and discovering it; then by changing what you see you may find yourself entering your body or another’s as a very small miniature, or as a point of light, or simply without any substance, yet aware of the inner body environment.


You change what needs to be changed in whatever way occurs to you, then - by directing the body’s energy in that direction, by entering the flesh and bringing certain portions together that need this adjustment, by manipulating areas of the spine. Then from this adjacent platform of A-1 consciousness, you perceive the mental thought patterns of yourself or the other person in whatever way you find characteristic of you.


You may perceive the thought patterns as quickly flashing sentences or words that are usually seen within your mind or within the other mind, or as black letters that form words. Or you may hear the words and thoughts being expressed, or you may see the earlier mentioned 'landscape' in which the thoughts symbolically form into a picture.


This will show you how the thoughts brought about the physical malady, and which ones were involved. The same thing should then be done with the feeling pattern. This may be perceived as bursts of dark or light colors in motion, or simply one particular emotion of great force may be felt. If it is very strong, one emotion may be felt in many such guises. In the case of both thoughts and emotions, with great confidence you pluck out those that are connected with the malady. In such a manner you have made adjustments on three levels. Session 574





Seeing Through Camouflage Settings


Since you all have a hand in forming this physical setting, and since you are ensconced yourself in a physical form, then using the physical senses you will only perceive this fantastic setting. The reality that exists both within it and beyond it will elude you. Even the actor is not entirely three- dimensional, however. He is a part of a multidimensional self.


Within him there are methods of perception that allow him to see through the camouflage  settings, to see beyond the stage. He uses these inner senses constantly, though the actor part  of himself is so intent upon the play that this escapes him. In a large manner, the physical senses actually form the physical reality they seem to only perceive. They are themselves part of the camouflage, but they are like lenses over your natural inner perceptions that force you to 'see' an available field of activity as physical matter; and so they can be relied upon on to tell you what is happening in a superficial manner. You can tell the position of the other actors for example, or time by clock, but these physical senses will not tell you that time is itself a camouflage, or that consciousness forms the other actors, or that realities that you cannot see exist over and beyond the physical matter that is so apparent.


You can, however, using your inner senses, perceive reality as it exists apart from the play and your role in it. In order to do this you must, of course, momentarily at least turn your attention away from the constant activity that is taking place - turn off the physical senses, as it were - and switch your attention to those events that have escaped you earlier.


Highly simplified indeed, the effect would be something like changing one set of glasses for another, for the physical senses are as artificial, basically speaking, to the inner self, as a set of glasses or a hearing aid is to the physical self. The inner senses, therefore, are but rarely used completely consciously.


You would be more than disoriented, for example, but quite terrified, if between one moment and the next your familiar environment as you knew it disappeared to be replaced by other sets of data that you were not ready to understand, so much information from the inner senses must be translated in terms that you can comprehend. Such information must somehow make sense to you as three-dimensional selves, in other words.


Your particular set of camouflages is not the only set, you see. Other realities have entirely different systems, but all personalities have inner senses that are attributes of consciousness, and through these inner senses communications are maintained about which the normally conscious self knows little. Part of my purpose is to make some of these communications known.


The soul or entity, then, is not the self that reads this book. Your environment is not simply the world about you as you know it, but also consists of past-life environments upon which you are not now focusing. Your real environment is composed of your thoughts and emotions, for from these you form not only this reality but each reality in which you take part.





Your real environment is innocent of space and time as you know them. In your real environment you have no need for words, for communication is instantaneous. In your real environment you form the physical world that you know.


The inner senses will allow you to perceive the reality that is independent of physical form. I will ask you all to momentarily forsake your roles therefore, and to try this simple exercise.

Now, pretend that you are on a lighted stage, the stage being the room in which you now sit. Close your eyes and pretend that the lights have gone out, the setting has disappeared and you are alone.


Everything is dark. Be quiet. Imagine as vividly as you can the existence of inner senses. For now pretend that they correspond to your physical ones. Clear from your mind all thoughts and  worries. Be receptive. Very gently listen, not to physical sounds but to sounds that come through the inner senses.


Images may begin to appear. Accept them as sights quite as valid as those you see physically. Pretend that there is an inner world, and that it will be revealed to you as you learn to perceive it with these inner senses.


Pretend that you have been blind to this world all your life, and are now slowly gaining sight within it. Do not judge the whole inner world by the disjointed images that you may at first perceive, or  by the sounds that you may at first hear, for you will still be using your inner senses quite imperfectly.


Do this simple exercise for a few moments before sleep or in the resting state. It may also be done even in the midst of an ordinary task that does not take all of your attention. You will simply be learning to focus in a new dimension of awareness, taking quick snapshots, as it were, in a strange environment. Remember that you will only be perceiving snatches. Simply accept them, but do not attempt to make any overall judgments or interpretations at this stage.


Ten minutes a day to begin with is quite sufficient. Now the information in this book is being directed to some extent through the inner senses of the woman who is in trance as I write it. Such endeavor is the result of highly organized inner precision, and of training. Ruburt could not  receive the information from me; it could not be translated nor interpreted while she was focused intensely in the physical environment. So the inner senses are channels that provide communication between various dimensions of existence. Yet even here the information must be distorted to some extent as it is translated into physical terms. Otherwise it would not be perceived at all.


Session 522, Page 56





From The Early Sessions, Book 1

Astral Projection, Technique 1

These are my instructions. You may consider this your first lesson. We will go by easy stages, for we do not want you betwixt and between. You may induce a medium trance in whatever way you choose. On occasion this will be spontaneous, as you know. For best results in the beginning it is good to make a projection attempt when you already feel physically drowsy, but pleasantly so. When you have induced the trance state, then begin to examine your own subjective feelings until you find recognition of the inner self.


This involves a recognition of yourself as distinct from the fleshy fibers in which you reside. Then begin to imagine this inner self rising upward. You should experience even at this point an internal sense of motion. This motion may be from side to side, as you gently shake yourself loose, so to speak.


It may be a rushing upward. Whichever motion you experience there will be a moment where you feel yourself, your identity and consciousness, definitely withdrawing from the physical organism. Before you attempt the projection, however, the suggestion should be given that the physical organism will be well protected and comfortable. Now when you feel the consciousness withdrawing, there are two things you may do. I suggest the first step I shall give you in preference to the second. The first step is this. Forget the physical body, or what you are to do with it. Will yourself out in a quick motion. There is no need to experience the voice hallucinations mentioned by the author, Fox. If the projection is a success you’ll instantly lose contact consciously with the physical body. You simply will not be in it.

Now your consciousness will not be in it, but it is hardly lifeless. Its maintenance is being controlled by the consciousness of the individual cells and organs of which we have spoken. I will give you alternate methods of projecting, but I will be concerned now with what you can expect the few moments after you have left the physical body.

Session 265, Page 210





Astral Projection, Technique 2


Your waking consciousness only participates in projections as a rule when you are in a period of high vitality, and exceptional health.


On occasion the waking consciousness does participate during other usually very depressed periods. But generally speaking high energy is needed in order to maintain overall stability, and in order that the ego is not overstrained. Such conscious projections are automatically spaced out. In this way there is little danger that problems will arise.


It is the same with the conscious retention of dreams in general. You are indeed exercising what amounts to an added ability. You are learning to manipulate within other dimensions of consciousness. Automatic controls are therefore used. You proceed as your abilities and control develop.


Suggestion given before sleep will greatly add to your chances of conscious projections from the dream state. It is not necessary, basically speaking, that you notice some small incongruous detail in order to realize while dreaming that you are dreaming. There is however one good method to use. The suggestion 'I will realize while dreaming that I am dreaming' can also be used, as another method, or both of these may be utilized together.


At your stage it is of course easier if the actual separation of consciousness from the physical body occurs without your awareness. However the experience itself is excellent training. I have told you that these projections may carry you to different systems. In the beginning you are safer perhaps in those projections that involve your own reality.


There is not any great matter of danger, only that you could fall into blunders. The north-south position is most beneficial. It might be of benefit if you concentrate before sleep upon a simple projection that involves leaving the body, walking out into this room, for example, (the living room) or perhaps strolling around the block.


When falling off to sleep for example, imagine that you are in your yard, in another room of your apartment, or in front of the house. When this method is effective you will not be consciously aware of the actual separation however. I do not suggest at this point that you or Ruburt attempt to contact me during any projection. Later, when you have more training.


If by chance you blunder (smile, eyes open) into my territory, then I will know it, and seek you out. Whenever you find yourself in any potentially dangerous dream situation during a projection, immediately terminate the dream. You will then return to an ordinary state of consciousness.


Now. Mr. Fox is quite correct. When you know you are in a projection do not be tempted to tamper. There are forces that you do not yet understand. You will find that these projections become more vivid. I must repeat that these are quite valid. They are not hallucinations.





Conscious projections do not occur with any frequency as far as a large percentage of humanity is concerned. Note that I speak only now of projections in which you are self-consciously aware. The reasons are somewhat obvious. Conscious projections are dependent upon abilities and control. Also this ability and control presupposes a fairly disciplined personality. Otherwise we would have explosive outbursts of suddenly released aggressions in systems where they do not belong.


It is quite possible to meet survival personalities, incidentally, during such projections. This does not happen often, because so many other issues are necessary. It is also possible of course to move into your own future. - This occurs regularly, though not always with awareness. Projections into the past are also frequent.


Because of some matters we have not yet discussed, at any rate deeply, it is possible to meet your own projection. You are accountable for acts committed during projections, of course, and these alter the personality as any acts do. If you have your wits about you, you can gain information concerning the future by studying your projection environment, if for any reason you suppose it to be ahead of you in time.


Some of this is extremely complicated. You may for example request before sleep that you project into your own future, to see what occurs there. This is legitimate enough, if you are willing to accept the results of your projections. For what you see will influence what you do in the present. You will be projecting of course into the probable future as it exists for you at this point.


The very act of projecting will alter these probabilities. I am not saying that this future environment is not real, however. It is as real as your present.


Session 277, Page 305





Astral Projection, Technique 3


...he did so, and I highly recommend this method to you both. When you awaken, or seem to in the middle of the night, try simply to get out of the physical body. Simply try to get out of bed, you see, and to walk into another room white the physical body stays where it is.


If you keep this in mind, generally speaking, then you will find yourself able to do so within a brief time. It is a pleasant and easy way to achieve a projection, and with some experience you will discover that you can maintain good control, walk out of your apartment, and outside. You may then attempt normal locomotion, or levitation.


There is little strain with this method, and it has benefits from several viewpoints. Simply keep the method in mind so that you are alert to the initial favorable circumstances. You may be half awake. You may be in a false awakening. The method will work in either case. It offers good possibilities in another direction: you can, if you want to do so, look back at your own body.


You must want to do this however. Often you do not want to see the body by itself, so to speak, and so you choose methods that make this more difficult. Just this one exercise will sharpen your control greatly. It is an ABC you see.


The experience will be must less startling to the ego than an abrupt projection, and the ordinary nature of the activities, walking into the next room for example, Will be reassuring. You are more calm, and in your own surroundings. Of course Ruburt was out of his body when he saw Miss Callahan, who was in the same condition.


Session 298, Page 143





Consciousness Blending During Projections


Individual selves will retain identity. They will be able to participate at a high level of awareness with the whole of which they are part. The whole is far more infinite than you can conceive. In a basic sense, the whole is aware of all of its parts, and in a basic sense all of its parts are aware of the whole. But each self must go its own way and develop its own abilities and explore the possibilities which it creates itself, otherwise the whole would stagnate.


The whole gains vivid experience through the life of its parts. The whole needs its segments. The vitality must constantly create itself in new patterns and each new pattern, of course, brings forth new possibilities of development.


Infinity has nothing to do with space or time as you know it. Infinity is the state of becoming and can never have an end for it is never completed. Infinity has to do with value fulfillment, and the unfoldings of ever new possibilities, the exploration of moment points, the traveling through dimensions that ever creates the illusion of time. But since there is no time, what is there to end?


The experience of projection will give you some small glimmering of infinity. Pretend that in an exploration during a projection you found yourself beside a tree. You entered the tree. You stayed there and followed it through the seasons. Then you grew restless and entered a bird who perched upon the branches and you flew merely several feet away. A child stands nearby and  you entered the child.


You intruded upon the child in no way. You were there within the child like air. All of this seemed to take no time at all. The child became old. You traveled to a nearby lake and became a fish. In succession you entered many things and finally returned to your body. You had experienced centuries, yet only an hour of your time had passed. The feeling that you would have inside this highly improbable projection would give you some idea, though a very weak one, of the feeling of infinity.


Now, in one sense, all selves are projections of the whole or that which is. New universes such as your own constantly come into existence. Systems and planes far different develop and in turn form other systems. Infinity has meaning only in subjective and psychic terms. The physical brain cannot contain the idea of infinity.


The concept will not fit into three dimensional terms. The whole self, the inner self, moves within the concept of infinity as you move within physical reality through space. Infinity contains all that will ever be known, and, of course, all that will ever be known is known within the spacious present.


Yet these very terms, all that will ever be known, are distortive, for they suggest an ending of knowledge and experience and there is none.





Now, 'There is no place to go' if you know what is truly meant by that statement. It is also true that there are as many places to go as you wish to find. You always create the places and the destinations at which you arrive. There are no places, and there are infinities of places. The inner self forms all systems and all places. On the one hand you can indeed call them illusion. On the other hand, these illusions are quite real. They are the clothing over the basic reality.


The basic reality is indeed within the illusions. Look beneath them and within them and you will feel it. But they are themselves composed of it, and you cannot really separate the two. Words are inadequate to explain what I mean here.


Basic reality cannot know itself without creating diversity. The diversity is the various forms that reality takes, the various systems within which it expresses itself through projecting itself into infinite individualized experience. Now that sentence is an important one.


Each inner self is a portion of the basic inner reality. It cannot know itself, however, except through experience, and it must create in order to experience. The experience constantly deepens the value fulfillment of basic reality itself. There is no alternative between diversity and nothingness.


That which is, is constantly aware of its growing, surging existence, through the diversity of experience which it creates constantly and simultaneously. You are part of that which is, you are that which is. It is impossible for any part of that which is not to be individualized. Every part of that which is, is alive, and knows itself.


Session 305, Page 199-200





Discovering your own Answers and Spiritual Healing


[Jim Crosson] "How do you discover those answers for yourself?"


Now, there are many ways ... but only one real way. And the way is to begin the journey, as Ruburt told you, into the nature of your own consciousness for the answers are within you and not out from you... and no one can tell you the answers. Now in one way, each individual will find his own answer... and yet all answers, in another way, are one.


You must try to forget for a period of time each day the self that you think of as yourself ... the adult pretensions, the adult bignesses. You must remember the childhood spontaneity. You must think of the freedom that is within a flower. Now it seems to you that a flower cannot move, and therefore has no freedom. And yet I tell you, you must think about the freedom of a flower.


You must dissociate yourself from the person that you know. Close your eyes. Imagine anything that you like that is pleasant to you. It makes no difference what it is. Then imagine yourself stepping apart from yourself in whatever way you choose. And then imagine that all about you there is another dimension and you need only take one step at a time ... and you will find your answers.


You have only to begin. There is an adventure and it is within you. And there are answers, and they are within you... and you can find them. Now. You have more questions?


(Jim Crosson] "How do you develop the power of spiritual healing?


You already have the power of spiritual healing. You want to know how to use it. Now you use it whether or not you know that you do. When you think thoughts of peace and vitality, and when you wish a man well, then you help heal him.


Now in order to direct this power consciously, you must again get used to the feeling of your own subjective experience so that you can tell subjectively when this energy is pouring through you and outward. You can use your imagination and imagine perhaps that you hold an arrow and want to direct it to a proper location. But with practice, there is a subjective knowing that you will recognize and understand. But you use the ability whether you realize you use it or not. You are a healer, whether you realize this or not.


Session 483, Page 301





Expanding Tissue Capsule and Universe


Your plane is a training place in the use of manipulation of energy. Your plane seems to deal with cause and effect, but this is in itself a necessary camouflage. In actuality there is no cause and effect as you think of it. There is only spontaneity. For a particular interval you must be taught as  if there were cause and effect, so that the result of spontaneity would not end up as chaos. This statement may seem contradictory but later you will see that it is not.


Now that we have briefly discussed the meaning of a tissue capsule I will go into the seventh inner sense a bit more deeply. This sense allows for an expansion or contraction of the tissue capsule. Theoretically there is no limit to the contraction or expansion allowed, but practically there are usually definite limitations.


I am only going to hint of something here. For fun, think of the expanding tissue capsule in terms of or in connection with, the theory of your expanding universe. Such contemplation should be excellent exercise. This is quite evocative, and I hope I can peek in sometime when you are trying to deal with it.


I will explain it to you, but at a much later date. Also, understand that what you think of or experience as space travel is another camouflage. Space travel so-called is an idea that makes sense only on your plane. I'm saving these little tidbits for you this evening.


Perhaps a rereading of the material on fifth dimension will help you here, and one of these days we will carry that discussion further. In actuality, use of the inner senses will get you anywhere you want to go. The idea of destination in these terms is laughable. Every place is one place. You do the dividing and the separations.


Session 40, Page 317





Experiencing an idea intuitively


When this focus is finished, when the subject tells himself "Now I will come to, now I have solved the problems that I set out to solve," then what hap-pens is the withdrawal of the self from the plane. The construction vanishes and is heir to the materials which compose the particular universe.


I will also go into this more deeply. You should be able to see now why a concept such as I refer to is difficult to achieve on your plane. You cannot focus upon it thoroughly. When the fourth inner sense is exercised, and I will outline exercises and all three of you would certainly benefit by following my suggestions, you will discover what an idea really is.


You will discover this by experiencing the idea directly, and you can best achieve some approximation of accomplishment by using psychological time. Your idea of experiencing a concept is doubtlessly to follow it through from beginning to end. Sweet tootsies, there is no beginning or end, and this idea of yours is the result of a complete and utter concentration upon camouflage time.


Nor does the evolution of either an idea or a species involve time. It merely involves time in your universe. You insist upon labeling as laws of absolutes what is actually your distorted and limited vision of concepts as they seem to appear to you. Using psychological time, sit in a quiet room; and I hope this is not impossible, when an idea comes to you, and I presume it will, do not play with it intellectually. You can dissect it to your heart's content after the experience.


Reach out to the idea intuitively. Do not be afraid of or reject unfamiliar bodily sensations. With practice, and to a very limited degree, you will find that you can become the idea. You will be inside the idea, looking out, not looking in. This is thought.


If you think you think you are in for a surprise. Session 37, Page 298





Finding the center of yourself


Now, with all you have been told about the nature of personality, and of the many of which you are a part, it would now be a help if you could find the center of your larger self.


You can intuitively become aware to some extent of your own reincarnations, so that you feel a recognizable sense of familiarity. Now there is unity in all. You have been told that there is a point where all dimensions and systems of reality merge. Now the same is true of consciousness. You are a part of a larger self, an entity, and because you are there is a portion of you that has access to the knowledge of your entity.


All of it would not be translatable. Some of it would have no meaning for you, but much of this is accessible. There are ways of finding what I will call this center of yourself. It will give you direct experience with many concepts that we have been discussing. I will give you more reincarnational data on your own lives; as you travel to the center of yourself however you will feel and know your own pasts as directly as the circumstances permit.


More than this however, your abilities and your challenges will appear to you in a much clearer light, and uncluttered focus. The experience will deepen and reinforce your sense of individuality, and you will know for yourself that you are one in many, and yet many in one.


There are five steps. It is possible to cover all of them at once, or the process may take you some time. First however imagine your consciousness out of your body in its astral form. Next, feeling that you are in the astral form, tell yourself that from that image you will be able to see the image of the person that you were in your immediately past life.


I cannot tell you whether you will succeed at once, as you may, or whether you will find it difficult. You, Joseph, being proficient with images, may find it easier than Ruburt. Now when you feel that you have this new image of your past self before you, then imagine that your consciousness is moving from your astral form into this past self You should not do this until you see the whole form.


Before you see the whole form you may try to mentally communicate with it however, asking it questions. This is one approach. You may for example end up using this as the main method of communication between your present and your past one. Otherwise will your consciousness as mentioned earlier into the image, then ask yourself. Who am I? Where was I born? What memories are mine?


If you have succeeded here, then memories and images will flash through your mind in the same way that your present self would ordinarily recall its past.


Then, will yourself to return to your own astral image, then to your physical body. From here repeat to yourself what you have learned, and whatever data you have received, reminding





yourself that this is also a part of your identity. This may be done very well imaginatively, in other stages of the process.


After you have managed to feel yourself above your body in your astral form, you again tell yourself to see the image of the same past self You may then imagine its image merging with your own, and its memories a part of your own consciousness. When you have succeeded, then still feeling yourself in the astral form, tell yourself that you will next see the image of the life before last: the image of the person you were, then repeat the other steps.


The whole exercise, or any part of it, must only be done in order to avail yourself of wisdom, so that you can use your own abilities to help yourself and others.


The purpose is very important, for when the purpose is a good one then it unites the other images about you and your purpose beneficially. It is part of the equation, as important as a plus sign rather than a minus sign, and as important to your results.


Various kinds of experiences may develop. You may request information concerning abilities for example, and hear your answer internally. You may instead feel the stirrings of memory, and experience yourself using abilities developed as a past personality. At any point in the exercise, for it can happen at any stage, you will suddenly feel the you of you, the center identity that runs through all the selves of which you have been part. You may also in a flash see glimpses of further realities that would be future to your present self.


According to the circumstances and your own condition, results can be amazingly rapid, or slow. You may try many times and then succeed... the methods are extremely important however, and should be definitely included in our material. There are also some variations on these that I will give you.


Those who try the exercises with wrong purposes will not succeed, for they will not have the proper equation, and it is the one part that cannot be given to them. Do you understand?


Session 448





Flexibility enhancement visualization


I will then give Ruburt some suggestions as to normal living habits that if followed will enable him to stay in good health. One of these will be a mental exercise, taking no more than ten minutes, and if done properly, only three times a week, will be of great benefit in keeping joints and muscles loose and free. I should perhaps give you that exercise now.


When resting, and in a tranquil state of mind, he should simply imagine the limbs slowly  stretching out, becoming somewhat longer, and then slowly returning to their original length. He should then imagine the neck revolving easily and normally three times in each direction; mentally here doing the yoga neck exercise that he recalls.


The lengthening exercise to be emphasized with the arms particularly. The toes and fingers should be visualized as lengthening also, easily and slowly, and then returning to normal position. The joints should be imagined as moving easily. At the same time, he should dwell on the idea of flexibility and freedom, mental, spiritual, psychic and physical flexibility. That is the end of the exercise.


It will do good also if during the day occasionally he imagines the exercise as he goes about his chores, but he should not do this willfully, with an intent to command phys</